速報APP / 遊戲 / Master Of The Board

Master Of The Board





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本


Master Of The Board(圖1)-速報App

Master Of The Board is collection of the board games with both classic and new mods

The following games:

* Hexxagon

Master Of The Board(圖2)-速報App

* Ataxx

* Ataxx Pentagonal (also know as Penntagon)

* Reversi (also know as Othello)

Master Of The Board(圖3)-速報App

* Reversi Hexagonal

* Checkers (also know as English Draught)

* Checkers Hexagonal

Master Of The Board(圖4)-速報App

* Chinese Checker

* Four in A Row (also known as Connect Four)

* Four In A Row Hexagonal

Master Of The Board(圖5)-速報App

Special features:

* Artificial intelligence with difference difficulty levels for each game

* There are lots of boards in different shapes and different sizes of each game

Master Of The Board(圖6)-速報App

* Replay at the end of the game

* Customizable graphic

* A simple and comfortable design with animations and sound

Master Of The Board(圖7)-速報App

* The entire game is free to play

* no ads

Master Of The Board(圖8)-速報App